Outer Planetary Configurations for 2009

We’ve spoken about the importance of the Outer Planetary Configurations in establishing a context for a month, season, or even a year. We’ve even examined the Obama & the Purge Effects, currently the most important Outer Planetary Configurations. Although the Purge Effect (the opposition between conservative Saturn and radical Uranus) will be with us for awhile, the Obama Effect is already breaking up, as expansive Jupiter is moving away from the others. What’s taking its place? Have we been double-crossed and betrayed? Or is there a new type of resolution in store?

With these questions in mind, let’s examine the coming attractions for the following year. Besides a brief overview is necessary to set the context for the particulars of the Inner Planets and the Moon. Here they are, the celebrities you’re been waiting for, the Outer Planetary Patterns for 2009.

Opportunity: Jupiter on the Dragon’s Head in Aquarius

Jupiter, the largest planet – bigger than all the rest combined – almost a second sun – symbolizing growth and expansion – is presently moving onto the Dragon’s Head in Aquarius February 13. Be prepared to take advantage. You’re in the driver’s seat of a very powerful vehicle. Make use of it. A positive force for good as society is in union with wealth and power. Move with purpose as the energy behind this positive alliance is obsolete before you know it. This influence will be referred to as the Bonus Pattern.

The Inspiration Pattern: Jupiter conjunct Neptune in Aquarius

Jupiter then moves in an out of union with Neptune also in Aquarius from May 27 -> December 21. The Powerful One joins forces with the Mystic for some big insights. A great time for spiritual growth. Be part of the Wave. Spontaneity is required rather than strict logical structure. Flexibility and intuition are essential – not rigidity, or even radical behavior. If we are to survive the difficult times ahead we must cultivate an open-mindedness that includes everyone. This influence will be referred to as the Inspiration Pattern.

The Depression Pattern: Uranus opposite Saturn

Uranus in Pisces and Saturn in Virgo oppose each other all year long – weaving their conflicted path. This is the notorious Purge Effect or Depression Pattern, which reflects the global economic adjustment, which is causing such turmoil. Even though prone to battle the Radical and Conservative must resolve difficulties to make it work. Ruthlessly discard the trivial while treasuring the essential. Don’t hold onto the past, as it’s necessary to make room for new social forms.

The Social Service Pattern: The Nodes harmonizes the Opposition

Note that an opposition has much positive potential as well as many dangerous pitfalls. Between October 4th & November 16th the Moon’s Nodes, representing Society, moves into the end of Capricorn, which is the perfect spot to harmonize the opposition. A great opportunity to be part of the solution. Helping to resolve difficulties rather than attempting to stir up tension. Trying to put out the fire rather than adding fuel. Time to participate in the common good, rather than fearfully holding onto what you consider your self to be. This influence will be referred to as the Social Service Pattern.

The Repression Pattern: Saturn squares Pluto

In contrast tiny Pluto is inevitably caught from behind in early Capricorn – the worst possible location. In this context Pluto is like the microscopic elements behind the atom bomb. From November 15, ’09 through August 21, 2010 stern Saturn, the Judge – symbolized by Thanatos, the one who metes out consequences with death – remains in conflict with Pluto, the People. Be law abiding and socially responsible as there are myriad circumstances out there waiting to trip you up. Move cautiously, as you are vulnerable to misfortune – Accidents just waiting to happen – Little things becoming big problems. Don’t trigger them when you become pissed off about the frustrations that inevitably occur during these trying times. This influence will be referred to as Repression Pattern.

The Revolution Pattern: Uranus squares Pluto

Moving more slowly Uranus doesn’t do battle with Pluto until June 20, 2012. Oppressive social circumstances inspire the People to revolt. Difficult decisions must be made. Time to move, even though there is resistance. Don’t get caught sitting on your hands – or clinging to the way things used to be. This will only cause internal misery. Be ready to make some unpleasant changes. Although many will suffer use this approaching energy to change the fabric of society. While moving with purpose, beware of excessive exuberance. It could be your downfall. It’s necessary to be spontaneous, but with prudence. There are solutions, albeit unpleasant, such as cutting back on extravagances. Realize that less is more. This influence will be referred to as Revolution Pattern.

Pluto’s approaching difficulties indicate that many will be afflicted with myriad excruciating external situations. This places more urgency on using the positive energy of the coming Jupiter/Neptune conjunction (the Inspiration Effect) to have some novel solutions in place in time to lessen the anguish of the Crunch.


Coming attractions: a date-by-date analysis of the Astrochart for 2009.

December 31, ’08 Face the consequences – as stern Saturn in Virgo stops her forward movement to return into the fray.


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